Sunday, February 17, 2013

First World Problems

I had an oar-some week. Insert sarcasm here. Actually no it wasn't so bad.
There was no stalk my weekend last weekend as it was a little sad. I took the boys to not one but TWO libraries by myself. Yeah that's effort people. By the time I unstrapped them the second time. I was ready to let them just sit in their chairs on the way home. But of course I didn't - just kidding ok! I received an SMS saying you're going to kill me. Me: I'm so going to kill Mick right now. He's gone cycling in a bid to meet some BFFs. I tell him about the wonderful world of the interwebs but he doesn't geddit. So #foreveralone in the BFFs stakes, he will remain. What happens? He fell off his mountain bike and had to detour to the hospital on the way back. He is however fine and has already recovered!

Then on Valentines' Day, I was getting ready for the onslaught of love, pink and reds on Facebook. I was not however prepared to read a status update from a friend made on her behalf by her husband that she had passed away from brain cancer. Wait what? What? No.. that is not true. We were not close, we were internet friends from many many years ago. But still, that stuff had me crying slightly throughout the day. Later that evening, we found Snowy my cat of 10 years had passed away. At least we found her. I had planned a blog post about this. But then, I don't think Emily and Snowy would want me to be wallowing like a deranged woman.

Therefore I present to you my first world problems. Pull up a chair... and prepare to relate.

You know how much I love Costco right? We went against our better judgement and bought a pizza to cook at home. Knowing that everything is on steroids from Costco we brought this home. Well it didn't fit in my fridge. It took some restacking to actually close the door. Then.. it didn't fit in the oven. I cut them into quarters and shoved them in 1 part at a time. Mind you it was massive so, a quarter basically fed the 2 boys.

Costco Pizza on steroids

Two Fridays ago, I was getting ready to paint my toenails while watching an episode of trashy TV.. the nail polish that I selected went flying off as I was digging and messing around for something else. I have hard tiles in the bathroom. Stuff painting it on, most of it splashed onto my toes! This is after I had mopped up the glass and most of it with paper towel. Then I had to scrub like a crazy woman with nail polish remover. My bathroom tiles are still a slight glittering metallic purple colour.

Smashed nail polish bottle

It was Thursday, I just had news about my friend. It was hot and kind of yucky.. my cleaner asked if she could come at 1pm instead of 11am. Fine.. whatever, I run out and get something to eat. I sit.. i wait.. i eat.. nobody came. I SMSed her if she was alright. By this time I'm thinking.. great back to the drawing board at finding another cleaner. This cleaner issue is a separate post in itself trust me! But then I get a big SMS and suddenly I had to be Dr Phil for my cleaner. Then I kinda read between the lines and I think she pushed my appointment out for someone new - I think.  
This was not half of the entire message .. 
Ya also know how I am a bargain hunter? Yeah well I bought Bodum double wall glasses for about $20+ for 2. Guess what I see in a Kmart catalogue. $9 for 4 of them! WHAT WHAT! Not 2 but 4!! A set of 4 for $9!

I had a hair appointment on Saturday to finally fix my regrowth. I had to leave it for ages as both him and I had issues getting a suitable time. It was a 2/3 week wait. And he is never late, usually I am late. Well this time, he was half an hour late. First of all there is a 2hr free parking limit on Gertrude street. So I was going to end up overstaying my park. Also who else hates sitting while the colour does its thing at the hair dressers? I do! I am also blind when I have no glasses on so I have to stick the magazines 5cm from my face. LOL it is not a glam look. Then because I was late coming home, the poor boys were starving by the time I went home with bagels. Although J bought me a latte and served it with the cutest sugar pot and spoon ever. :)

What is up with sandpits?! Why do they love it so much? I am pretty much over having sand all over the floors, in their shoes that needs to have their soles removed and tipped out.

Boys and their sand pit "fun" at QV
I am sure that I have much more first world problems. But I shall leave you with that. I could carry on about my overspilling makeup case but that would involve shaming myself by posting a picture of how it is dusty and a complete mess. Hey beauty organisation companies.. contact me ok! I have a great before pitch for you. Anyway I shall leave you with the yummy Cupcake Central cupcakes that I bought on Wednesday evening. We scoffed them all that night. Lord the lychee white chocolate is amazeballs.

Red velvet, Chocolate, Raspberry, Lychee White Choc

RIP Emily who left the world way too early. Leaving behind her husband Anthony and her sons 3 year old Jesse and 4month old Archer. And Snowy who is now under the tree next to our fence. The one she used to sit on before she was sick and used to get pats from people walking past.


  1. RIP Snowy. I'm happy to have had the opportunity to meet and pat beautiful Snowy. I'm sure Snowy is happily rolling around in kitty heave xx

    1. She must be! I just remembered you had pics of her. LOL. Poor girl.

  2. Omg such an action-packed post! Sorry to hear about Snowy :( I want those Kmart vacuum glasses. I'm sure D could have eaten that entire pizza if he had someone to chat to whilst eating. I love cupcakes. Especially red velvet.

    1. Hehehe.. He said what's this? Took a bite of the tomato. Mummy I don't like this, please take it off.

      Lord these cupcakes are amazing, I was upset that they were shut when you were down here. :)

  3. oh hun I'm so sorry :( what an awful day, first your friend and then snowy. hope the boys took it ok xx

    1. Thanks Rachel... Well boys were fine. But yesterday I mentioned her name in a conversation. D heard me and said Snowy is old cat now. I miss her. And stood in the corner with sad face. We had to cuddle him.
      My friend. :( I looked at her FB page yesterday and tried not to cry.

  4. So sorry about your friend :( such a terrible thing to happen and with 2 young boys :(((

    I saw those Kmart glasses in the catalogue but my local store didn't have them :(

    1. Very very young :(

      Can you get them online I wonder? That's what I hate about catalogues. You get excited but cannot find them!

  5. Such sad news on the passing of your littlest family member :( My thoughts are with you.

  6. Aw I am so sorry to read about Snowy! :( :(

  7. Aww Poor snowy. So sorry to hear :( I'm suire she was deeply loved! Our cat of 20 years went missing and we never found her :(

    Sorry to also hear about your friend. It's always the case isn't it? Everything always happens at once.


  8. So sad about your friend Emily and your snowy cat. Xx

  9. Jesus! Thats so sad about your friend emily and the family cat :( Sorry to hear xx

  10. Sorry to hear of your friend and kitty :(

  11. Poor Snowy! I hope the boys have taken it as well as any child can take the passing of the family pet.

    So sad to hear about your week - I know a lot of them can easily be dismissed as first world problems, but when they happen repeatedly with little space in between it can be very overwhelming!

  12. Hey thanks @Holly @nat @indiC and @Cecilia
    here i was trying to make this post slightly funny. Oh dear. I think when i was going through it, it wasn't that bad. You know how when you document things, it looks like a lot.

  13. What a hell of a week. OMG I feel for you going through all that xoxo


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