Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stalk my Weekend: Lego and Storm Troopers

My inner nerd came out last weekend. It was a REALLY great one. So get ready to stalk my weekend ... brace yourself and your own inner nerd. First of all, as you know I am a poker widow on Friday nights. And no I did not do any shopping! WOOHOO. Instead I discovered MOBWIVES. Can someone please tell me a better drama llama "reality" TV series. Because like right now, this pretty much is the Bees Knees. So not only was I introduced to Drita who will bring you down if she hits you! But it also meant I did no shopping at all! YAYYY.. then Mick came 2nd at his poker game. So it meant the kids and I have food for the week. ROFL. I joke ok, no need to call DOCS.

Birrarung Marr Playground
On Saturday, I was invited to Social Mums which is a Mummy Blogger event. So we all trooped off to Federation Square. As a bit of a breather at the event and for them to stretch their legs. The boys went to the park right next to the venue at Birrarung Marr playground. The place was alive with people walking to the tennis, people getting ferried in little tricycles sponsored by ANZ Bank. There were some great items that I received at this event. More posts to come on there. After the event, we went to our favourite dumpling place in the CBD for lunch. Woohoo! DUMPRINGS.

Brickvenetion Royal Exhibition Building
We trooped to Brickvention on Sunday for our 9.30am ticket booking. My brother gives me a heads up every single year for the last 2 or 3 events and I have not managed to go to one. So this year I booked tickets as D has been asking about Lego for a long time. The good thing about Sunday is that parking on Victoria Parade opposite the venue is actually free as I found out! Score or score? We were going to park on a side street off Nicholson across the road but we did not have 2 x $3.50 in coin. Which is ridiculous expecting people to have $10+ in coin really as it is 4P parking. Went to Victoria Parade as the machines there took credit card payments. But the machine said read street signs. I was so excited - free parking plus Lego! Even Pickles who was in a pram was pushing the pram forward in the queue and D had an extra spring in his step.

Lego tower demolition
There were a quite a few standard sets especially in the Star Wars range of Lego. But where else would you see all these expensive Lego displays all in one place? There was a 11,000 piece Sydney Harbour Bridge and a massive huge Love Boat including cabins on the other side. It was amazing! The one above is a tower demolition in the works with a crane. It's pretty awesome but the boys preferred Star Wars and trains that moved.

Storm troopers plus one upset child
Storm Troopers! Quick go get a picture! Mick was looking at me like HUH? What? Who are you? There's Luke deciding that he was scared and wanted to be put down on the ground. So it turns out I am a convention nerd. OMGAWD look X-wing fighters! OMG LOOK DEATH STARRRR. I have a ton of pictures but I shall spare you from them.

Hiding from Storm Troopers
And when I tried to get D into the picture.. it was pretty much no go. This is him hiding behind Mick because he was scared. I managed to get him to high five one of the storm troopers. But that's pretty much as far as it went. Oh well.. storm troopers are pretty scary.

After the convention, we met up with etailqueen, KikiChaos and Miss Directions at Little Creatures. The boys played together with TLP and were so tired. I think Pickles was flopping and pretending to fall asleep on D at one stage. Unfortunately I had my phone hijacked by the boys and did not manage to take a picture. SIGH. Etailqueen was in Melbourne for the Tennis but I am sure that she will be back soon! So glad to finally meet up with these Voguettes! Ladies, we did not tie the mint green ribbon! :) Do you remember that one? Old skool Voguettes will :)


  1. Ooooh! Brickvention has got so big!! Not surprised - last year the queue went around the block...

  2. Nawww the poor boy! I would cry too with those space invadors haha.. My mum has this photo of me every year from 1 right through to 5 years of age sitting on santas knee bawling my eyes out hahah! I really didnt like the guy!

    I want to go to one of these lego conventions! x

    1. OMG i have a santa fear too. And they are also scared of Santa. Like who wouldn't be?

      I'll let people know next time! :) So many of my friends said they missed out on tix.

  3. Ahh Mobwives... It's pretty addictive.

    Have you 'met' Big Ang yet??--- she's the BEST!

    1. NO! I have been told.. just wait till Big Ang comes on board. LOL Can't wait.

  4. OMG can I drop my husband there?
    Lol @loveboat Lego. I love your dress!

    1. Yes you may.. LOL but he might disappear into the star wars galaxy and won't come back. Dress was from French Connection, bought in Singapore. And guess what, my mum goes back and buys the same one. DOH.

  5. The boys are so adorable, haha! I have to admit, I am totes a Lego fan. Even now. Clearly I need to sprog up so I have an excuse to get my Legoland on x

  6. Love all your photos on fb :) I really must go next year!


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